PinnedPublished inCNK TechWhat is Agile and Scrum?The software industry is going crazy on Agile matters. It is rapidly becoming the choice of software development when the climates are…Jan 19, 2022Jan 19, 2022
Process in a Test ProjectIn a software test project, how does the process work? How should the project be initiated, what are the sequential phases, and how should…Sep 6, 2024Sep 6, 2024
Test Projesinde SüreçBir yazılım test projesinde süreç nasıl işliyor, projeye nasıl başlanmalı, aşamalar sırasıyla nasıl geçilmeli, hangi araçların…Sep 6, 2024Sep 6, 2024
Creating a Test ConceptCreating a test concept for a software application involves preparing a plan to assess and enhance the application’s quality, performance…Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Test KonseptiBir yazılım uygulaması için test konsepti hazırlamak, uygulamanın kalitesini ve performansını değerlendirmek, hataları tespit etmek ve…Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
ISTQB’s basic principles for projectsISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) is an organization that establishes international standards for software…Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Projeler icin ISTQB nin temel prensipleriISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board), yazılım testi konusunda uluslararası standartlar belirleyen bir kuruluştur…Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Software Development Life Cycle(English)SDLC, Software Development Life Cycle is the abbreviation for the systematic and structured approach that defines the stages that a…Mar 20, 2023Mar 20, 2023
Published inTowards DevWhat is Selenium ? ( part 2)17. How to mouse hover on a web element using WebDriver?Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023